You Get What You Pay For - Or You Should

Money. Decisions we make in life often lead right back to the central focus of money. There are a lot of options when it comes to investments. We should make investments with our time and money that we can reflect back on knowing we made the right choice. 

Fitness is an industry that often gives you the flashy tagline that can prey on your inner mantra to get you to ‘sign up now’ without understanding what the investment will give back to you. Is it a space to workout, but no guidance? Is it a promise to help that you’ve learned was not followed through on? In terms of some flashy tag lines, I’m guilty of that as well, though hopefully many of you can decipher my intention rather than a misinterpretation for greed. The hardest part of talking with clients is going over the cost. I feel the need to add ‘fluff’ and justification before dropping the amount. I fear reaction because my intention is to truly help whoever is in front of me reach their goals - and more importantly find the confidence to grab the bull by the horns and go all in with me.  I stand true to my valuation of my remote coaching business, and find every month that clients are making the investment because they do understand the quality they will be receiving when signing up with Mutch Fitness. 

Over and over I’m told to value myself, my business, know my worth, and recognize that this is not just a cut and paste process. It’s important when you invest in your health and fitness that you find what is the best for you. I can’t speak for others, but for Mutch Fitness, I believe that everyone is a priority. I need to take the time to learn about my clients - what movements they like and don’t like. What movements they need scaled to build strength instead of losing confidence when they can’t do something like a full push up. Communication almost daily with everyone, adjustments to timing, work schedules, parenting schedules, or pure exhaustion schedules are all important to me. 

It’s a fragile balance of ‘suck it up let’s go’ and ‘I understand, no problem, let’s give it 100% tomorrow.’ Programming and corrections average to about 3-5 hrs a day, layered in as I program ahead for clients in quarters on my list, and once I am ahead for the last quarter of clients, I’m back to the top to get ahead again. It’s a well oiled machine, well tended to, and sometimes challenging to make sure the programming is matching where the client has now grown to in terms of their fitness and nutrition. It’s worth every minute that I invest into my clients. As I’m coming around to being a one year old business in late March of this year, I myself have gained confidence. I’m offering top notch customized fitness programming that takes patience, time, and dedication for each client. I know that with the investment each client has made in my business, I’ve given them a 110% return.