
The reason people tend to fall off the fitness wagon usually boils down to just one word: accountability.  As we find ourselves distracted by the instantly gratifying news feeds of social media - we also find ourselves giving that good old “I just don't have the time” excuse, which ends up being detrimental to our self-care. With time spent fixating on wanting to work out, most of us could have completed a workout in that same amount of time! 

Remote coaching takes out the excuses and adds in all the accountability you need. It creates a safe environment for those who may not feel quite confident enough surrounded by others in a class or gym atmosphere. Remote coaching also provides individuals with consistent and progressively more challenging workouts, helping them continue to reach new levels in their fitness goals. Remote coaching with Mutch Fitness can be described as on-demand and accessible coaching for whatever reason you may need; whether you work a different schedule, have a tight schedule, an injury or physical limitation, or limited access to  equipment.  This type of training keeps you on your toes, holds you accountable through communication with your coach and the assistance of a personally programmed app. 

Access to 100% customized workouts give you the opportunity to do your best within your capabilities – you should never lift a weight someone else is lifting if you have been active one month, and they have been active 3 years. Personalization is the best way to keep you safe, which is layered with video corrections – a written visual instead of verbal coaching that comes with the same cues such as, “Get those hips below parallel” or “Full extension.” This creates a safer, stronger environment for the client on the next workout. 

I will never leave you to be under-coached or overlooked, but most importantly, never alone on your journey. Fitness is essential to movement, life, and functionality - as long as you're moving, you're doing it, and you're consistently making yourself stronger mentally and physically.